Managing your money should be easy, but we know that sometimes it can get a little confusing. To help you out, we’ve put together a collection of free calculators and tools that will allow you to work through several scenarios to help plan your financial situation. Whether you’re buying your first home, upsizing, investing, or simply planning your household budget, our list of savings, tax, loan, and home loan calculators below can provide some clarity.
Estimate what your annual income might be from the money you’ve received so far this year.
Estimate how much it may cost to sell your property and see where to save.
Estimate how much interest you could save by using your savings to offset your home loan.
Use interest rates and fees to compare true costs of different loans.
See the difference additional payments will make on your home loan.
We offer our loans exclusively through experienced AFG brokers via our broker network, making sure you receive a loan that meets your individual needs.
AFG Home Loans Pty Ltd is part of the ASX listed Australian Finance Group Ltd (AFG), one of Australia’s leading mortgage broking firms for almost a quarter of a century.
The information provided is a short summary and is not everything you need to know to select a product and features that are appropriate for your needs and requirements. All information is subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions and lending criteria may apply. Fees and charges may be varied or introduced in the future.
AFG Home Loans Pty Ltd | ACN 153 255 559 | Australian Credit Licence 411913
Buying your first home is exciting, but it’s a big step to take and one that comes with many questions and decisions.
Situations change, perhaps you’ve changed jobs, a new addition to the family? Maybe you would just like a better rate?
Research and having the right people to help you are the keys when investing in property.
Whether you’re looking to upsize, downsize, relocate, or buy that dream holiday home.
Building your own house can be a wonderful experience – but it can also be expensive.
The classic home loan with modern features.
Flexible loans for borrowers looking for solutions outside the box.
Tailored loans to support diverse needs.
A versatile home loan with no ongoing fees.
Simple competitive home loans with all the essentials.
Tailor your finance with a versatile range of loan options.
A finance solution for those who may not meet standard criteria.