Retro App – Accounts Screen


The accounts screen will show all the available loan accounts and 100% offset facility*.

  1. Hamburger icon will open up the menu.
  2. Slide/tap to show the selections 3, 4 and 5.
  3. Selecting this will show a quick transfer menu so users can get to the payment screen directly for that account.
  4. If the account has any scheduled transactions a number will appear in black (1 for this account).
  5. The Information Icon will take users to the Account Information screen and display additional information such as uncleared funds and interest paid for this financial year and the previous year.
  1. This will take you back to the accounts screen.
  2. Magnifying glass opens up a search text box where you will be able to search for certain transactions for this account.
  3. Clicking on this dropdown will allow you to select another account to view the transaction history of.
  4. Able to slide this across to show additional options depending on the account type (for this example will show Pay, Scheduled and Info).
  5. Selecting this will bring up a quick transfer menu so users can get to the payment screen directly for that account.